McLendon, Nancy - 5th Grade
Nancy McLendon
Page Street Elementary School 1-910-576-1307
We use the Dojo app. Please let me know if you need an instructions sheet.
Office Hours (Planning Time) 8:15-9:00 each except Tuesday. Tuesday is a PLC meeting day.
We use Google Classroom to house our daily instructions. Students have access to our Google Classroom through a class code.
Welcome to fifth grade!
I am looking forward to an exciting school year filled with fun, hard work, and learning new things!
I have been in education for 18 years now. I taught kindergarten for 3 years, second grade for 4 years, third and fourth grade combo 1 year, fourth grade 6 years and this will be my 5th year in fifth grade.
I have a husband named David and one 11-year-old daughter Samantha. Also, I have one sister and one brother.
I would like to point out a few things that you may have forgotten over the summer to help you get started this school year.
· Tardy bell rings for students at 7:50. Students arriving to school after 7:50 will be considered tardy.
· Students will be dismissed from school at 2:35.
· Breakfast is free for all students. Lunch is also free to students.
· Adults pay per item selected from the menu.
· We are still collecting Box Tops for Education to earn money for instructional supplies. Please use the app to scan receipts.
· We will be having student conferences this year on October 17, 2024, and March 13, 2025.
· You may access your child’s grades on Powerschool and I encourage you to do so.
· All medication with proper medical documentation must be kept in the office. No medicine is allowed in the classroom unless permission is given by the doctor or other administration. Teachers may not administer medication to students. The student must have a signed doctor’s order to be able to take medication at school (even for Tylenol, Advil, or other OTC medications.) Students may administer their own medication only if mandated by law or by doctor’s approval (e.g. asthma inhaler).
· My planning time will be from 8:15-9:00. You may reach me by school phone or by Dojo during that time or after school.
· Students are not allowed to have phones or devices that play games out in the classroom. They may keep them in their book bags turned off only.
Below you will find a list of supplies your child will need this school year. As the school year continues, these supplies will dwindle. Please send additional supplies during the school year. Typically, we need more supplies for your child around Christmas time and around Spring break.